Reference Ranges of Serum Blood Urea Nitrogen, Creatinine Concentration and Ultrasonographic Measurement of the Kidneys in Term Healthy Newborns in the Neonatal Period


  • Şebnem Kader Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Division of Neonatology
  • Mehmet Mutlu Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Division of Neonatology
  • Elif Bahat Özdoğan Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Nephrology
  • Yakup Aslan Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Division of Neonatology
  • İlker Eyüpoğlu Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
  • Ayşegül Cansu Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
  • Mehmet Sarıaydın Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Division of Neonatology
  • Yüksel Ali Yazıcıoğlu Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry



Blood urea nitrogen, Creatinine, Newborn, Ultrasonography, Kidney


Objective: Acute kidney injury is an important problem in neonates. We conducted a cross-sectional prospective study to determine normal serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine reference ranges and ranges of ultrasonographic measurement of kidneys in healthy term newborns.

Study Design: Blood samples were collected from total 357 healthy newborns at birth (n=45), 1st (n=30), 3rd (n=61), 7th (n=34), 10th (n=132), 14th (n=36), and 28th (n=19) days of life. Renal ultrasonographic was performed by the same two radiologists on 81 newborns aged 10 days.

Results: Serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations have reached to the highest level at the first day of life and have returned to cord level at the third day of life. There were gradually decrease in serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels after the first day of life. There were significant difference in both right and left renal length, width, and volumes in terms of gender and these parameters were statistically higher in boys than girls (p<0.05). Birth weight of the boys (3548±539g) was statistically higher than girls (3307±405 g) (p=0.028). There was a positive correlation between birth weight and right (r=0.38, p=0.000) and left kidney volumes (r=0.44, p=0.000).

Conclusion: Our findings showed that measured blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels changed in accordance with postnatal days and there was a positive correlation between kidney volume and birth weight of newborns. We concluded that these findings are important for evaluation of acute kidney injury and for screening of for urinary tract anomalies in neonates


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Author Biography

Mehmet Mutlu, Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Division of Neonatology

Division of Neonatology




How to Cite

Kader Şebnem, Mutlu M, Özdoğan EB, Aslan Y, Eyüpoğlu İlker, Cansu A, Sarıaydın M, Yazıcıoğlu YA. Reference Ranges of Serum Blood Urea Nitrogen, Creatinine Concentration and Ultrasonographic Measurement of the Kidneys in Term Healthy Newborns in the Neonatal Period. Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med [Internet]. 2017Dec.5 [cited 2025Feb.8];23(3):163-8. Available from:


